The IPHES incorporates five new research support techniques thanks to the Primera Professional Experience program in public administrations
The IPHES has incorporated into its work structure five new research support techniques thanks to the First Professional Experience program in public administrations, for the recruitment of young people seeking employment in carrying out research and innovation activities in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
This new technical staff will carry out their tasks for 1 year through a contract financed by the European Union, Next Generation EU (SOC – FIRST EXPERIENCE). Specifically, they include Irene Rubert, Janire Múgica, Adriana Linares, Aitana Díaz and Judit Bria.
Irene Rubert will support the archaeobotanical area by processing and managing plant macroremains for archaeobotanical analysis.
Janire Múgica will support the restoration laboratory by performing conservation and restoration interventions for archaeological materials from the PIHES-CERCA sites.
Adriana Linares will work in the microvertebrate laboratory digitizing the collection of fossil microvertebrates from the Camp dels Ninots site.
Aitana Díaz will be working in the management area performing digitization tasks
Judit Bria will be working in the area of geoarchaeology carrying out the digitization and opening of the IPHES Litoteca