Antonio Rodríguez-Hidalgo participates in the round table: "Past and present of bison in the Sierra de Atapuerca"
It will take place at the Museo de la Evolución Humana (Burgos) next July 6 at 8.15pm
Bison occupy a fundamental place in the history of Atapuerca. Their presence is common in Pleistocene sites, especially at the Gran Dolina TD10-2 level, called the "bed of bison bones" since they make up 99 percent of the faunal remains found.
Antonio Rodríguez-Hidalgo, researcher at IPHES-BÚSQUEDA and member of the Atapuerca research team, Eduardo Cerdá, director of Paleolítico Vivo and Cristino Díez, a well-known sculptor from Burgos, will give his point of view regarding bison and their paleontological and conservation interest. and plastic representation.