
The Barranc de la Boella site, key to understanding the first human occupations in Europe

The Barranc de la Boella site, key to understanding the first human occupations in Europe


Let's start a week full of scientific dissemination activities!

Let's start a week full of scientific dissemination activities!

Presented 16 Erasmus Mundus Master theses in Quaternary Archeology and Human Evolution

Presented 16 Erasmus Mundus Master theses in Quaternary Archeology and Human Evolution

Neanderthal Remains Over 50,000 Years Old Identified at Cova Simanya (Barcelona, Spain)

Neanderthal Remains Over 50,000 Years Old Identified at Cova Simanya (Barcelona, Spain)

Defense of the Doctoral Thesis of Dr. Nadia Saidani entitled "The Microvertebrates from the hominin site of Tighennif (Ternifine, Algeria) Taxonomy, Taphonomy and Palaeoecology"

Defense of the Doctoral Thesis of Dr. Nadia Saidani entitled "The Microvertebrates from the hominin site of Tighennif (Ternifine, Algeria) Taxonomy, Taphonomy and Palaeoecology"


New 3D analysis of limestone spheroids from the Early Acheulian site of ‘Ubeidiya (Israel) indicates intentional imposition of symmetric geometry

New 3D analysis of limestone spheroids from the Early Acheulian site of ‘Ubeidiya (Israel) indicates intentional imposition of symmetric geometry

The latest excavations in Cueva Eirós allow us to delve deeper into the ways of life of the Neanderthals in the eastern mountains of Galicia

The latest excavations in Cueva Eirós allow us to delve deeper into the ways of life of the Neanderthals in the eastern mountains of Galicia

Defense of the Doctoral Thesis of Dra. Bárbara Mas titled "Comunitats humanes, paisatge llenyós i variabilitat climàtica durant la transició Pleistocè-Holocè al NE de Península Ibèrica: un enfoc antracològic i d'anàlisi espacial"

Defense of the Doctoral Thesis of Dra. Bárbara Mas titled "Comunitats humanes, paisatge llenyós i variabilitat climàtica durant la transició Pleistocè-Holocè al NE de Península Ibèrica: un enfoc antracològic i d'anàlisi espacial"

Three students of the inter-university Master's in Quaternary Archeology and Human Evolution taught by the URV express their experience in the excavations of Atapuerca

Three students of the inter-university Master's in Quaternary Archeology and Human Evolution taught by the URV express their experience in the excavations of Atapuerca

IPHES-CERCA obtained funding to carry out two projects to promote scientific culture

IPHES-CERCA obtained funding to carry out two projects to promote scientific culture

Les excavacions a l'Abric Romaní revelen un campament de tardor de comunitats neandertals caçadores de cérvols de fa 60.000 anys

Les excavacions a l'Abric Romaní revelen un campament de tardor de comunitats neandertals caçadores de cérvols de fa 60.000 anys

Esclats de Ciència. Jornades de divulgació científica Miquel Guardiola Figols

Esclats de Ciència. Jornades de divulgació científica Miquel Guardiola Figols

The IPHES resumes a new excavation campaign at the Abric Romaní de Capellades (Anoia)

The IPHES resumes a new excavation campaign at the Abric Romaní de Capellades (Anoia)

Visita guiada als gravats de la Roca de les Ferradures al municipi de Rojals (Montblanc, Tarragona)

Visita guiada als gravats de la Roca de les Ferradures al municipi de Rojals (Montblanc, Tarragona)

Les excavacions a la cova d’en Pau, de Serinyà, posen al descobert restes animals i cultura material de fa més de 20.000 anys

Les excavacions a la cova d’en Pau, de Serinyà, posen al descobert restes animals i cultura material de fa més de 20.000 anys

A "magical" excavation campaign ends in Orce with numerous archaeological remains of 1.5 million years

A "magical" excavation campaign ends in Orce with numerous archaeological remains of 1.5 million years

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