Gamifying prehistory: Social challenges from Prehistory
Talk by Dr. Marina Lozano, IPHES-CERCA researcher and Andrea Alías, IPHES-CERCA socialization technician
In this seminar, Dr. Marina Lozano, IPHES-CERCA researcher and Andrea Alías, IPHES-CERCA socialization technician offer us the talk entitled "Gamifying prehistory: Social challenges from Prehistory". This talk is part of the "Social challenges from prehistory" project, promoted by IPHES-CERCA and which has received funding from the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología (FECYT) and the research projects of the Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación PID2021-122533NB-I00: "Using climate envelope models to predict spatial and temporal distribution of climate-related Quaternary extinctions (QUATEXT)" and PID2021-122355NB-C32: "Eco-Social behavior of the Sierra de Atapuerca hominins during the Quaternary, VI”.