Dr. Jordi Rosell explains the main objectives of the ERC Advanced Grant project of the European Union to the program Evoluciona de Tarragona Ràdio
Evoluciona, la investigació sobre l'evolució humana, amb l'IPHES-CERCA i Tarragona Ràdio
This week's protagonist is Dr. Jordi Rosell, professor at Rovira i Virgili University and researcher at the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution, who has been awarded an Advanced Grant by the European Research Council (ERC) for his project SCAVENGERS, Carnivores in human settlements : a new and different way to address the Middle Palaeolithic record.
The project led by Rosell proposes a novel system based on neotaphonomy in order to address the interpretative problems generated by the interaction between humans and carnivores in archaeological sites. Although in a first stage of work, this new analysis system is proposed for Middle Paleolithic sites, the aim is that it can be applied to archaeological sites with a much wider chronological range.