Defense of the Doctoral Thesis of Dr.Dra. Antonietta Del Bove "A Computational re-assessment of sexual dimorphism in the Human Cranium Beyond Traditional Morphometrics: Geometric Morphometric Methods and Neural Network Analysis"
Aquest matí s'ha dut a terme l'acte de defensa de la Tesi Doctoral la Dra. Antonietta Del Bove "A Computational re-assessment of sexual dimorphism in the Human Cranium Beyond Traditional Morphometrics: Geometric Morphometric Methods and Neural Network Analysis", dirigida pel Dr. Carlos Lorenzo i pel Dr. Antonio Profico.
El tribunal s'ha composat pel Dr. Prof. Paul O'Higgins (York University), pel Dr. Costantino Buzi (IPHES-CERCA) i per la Dra. Dany Coutinho Nogueira (Coimbra University).