Dr. Mikel Arlegi, IPHES-CERCA researcher, receives a grant from the British Academy
Dr Mikel Arlegi, currently a researcher at Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), has been awarded a British Academy International Fellowship.
Dr Arlegi is a paleoanthropologist interested in the evolution and variability of hominin and extant primates' meristic elements, especially in the vertebral column. Additionally, he works on evolutionary trends in other human anatomical elements, such as hands and feet. He combines his laboratory research with fieldwork at various Pleistocene sites in Europe and Africa.
The project he plans to develop at Cambridge University during the British Academy International Fellowship, will examine the evolution/co-evolution of the cranium and cervical spine in the NEA lineage. It will also determine to what extent biomechanical factors related to posture influenced this evolutionary process. The title for the project is: “Did human erect posture shape the cranio-cervical complex?”.
Dr Arlegi will be sponsored by Dr Emma Pomeroy and hosted with us at the University of Cambridge.
Congratulations Mikel from the IPHES-CERCA team!