Defense of the Doctoral Thesis of Dr. Nadia Saidani entitled "The Microvertebrates from the hominin site of Tighennif (Ternifine, Algeria) Taxonomy, Taphonomy and Palaeoecology"
This morning the defense of the Doctoral Thesis of Dr. Nadia Saidani entitled "The Microvertebrates from the hominin site of Tighennif (Ternifine, Algeria) Taxonomy, Taphonomy and Palaeoecology" was held at the IPHES-CERCA headquarters, which has been directed by Dr. Jordi Agustí, ICREA researcher at IPHES-CERCA and by dr. Mohamed Sahnouni, from CENIEH.
Dr Saidani has analyzed the remains of microvertebrates from the Tighennif site, in Ternifine (Algeria).
From IPHES-CERCA we want to congratulate the new Doctor!