Tres estudiants del Màster interuniversitari en Arqueologia del Quaternari i Evolució Humana que imparteix la URV expressen la seva vivència a les excavacions d'Atapuerca
Des dels seus inicis, el projecte Atapuerca ha dedicat molts esforços a la formació de joves arqueòlogues/arqueòlegs i tota mena de professionals vinculats a les excavacions. Degut a que molts dels membres de l’Equip Investigador d’Atapuerca està vinculat a la Universitat Rovira i Virgili i a l’IPHES-CERCA i, alhora són docents al Màster interuniversitari en Arqueologia del Quaternari i Evolució Humana (International Erasmus Mundus Master in Quaternary and Prehistory, IMQP), els estudiants d’aquest tenen accés a participar en les excavacions anuals.
Què els sembla als estudiants l’experiència de participar a l’excavació d’Atapuerca? Us compartim tres testimonis d'estudiants que han participat enguany als treballs d'excavació a la Sierra de Atapuerca.
Lila Warnitz
“I am a master’s student in prehistory and archaeology and I had the chance to be excavated on one of the sites presents in Atapuerca, Fantasmas cave.
It is an Open site where some neanderthal remains were found. As I am interested in Geo-archaeology, I had the opportunity to work a bit on the stratigraphy of the site. I learnt many things about the geology of the sites but also about methodologies that I will be able to apply to other studies. It was a really great opportunity to increase my knowledge in my area of interest. Moreover, as a student in prehistory being able to see world-famous sites like Gran Dolina, or Sima del Elefante from this close was incredible!
The atmosphere inside the excavation was also really nice. Most of the participants speak Spanish, but even without knowing the language I was really well integrated. I did not feel that the language was a problem at all, as everybody was welcoming and making an effort to communicate the best as they could. It was really intense two weeks with a lot of works, but I will definitely come back if I had the chance.”
Maria Boada
“Poder participar en les campanyes arqueològiques dels jaciments de la Sierra de Atapuerca permet aprendre i créixer a nivell acadèmic i com a persona. Estar en un entorn tan excepcional converteix cada campanya en única.”
Aristeidis Strimenopoulos
“My participation in the excavation of Atapuerca is an amazing experience in every aspect. The importance of the site regarding the understanding of varied aspects of human evolution makes the excavation and its importance unique from its principle. My participation enhanced me with decisive knowledge regarding excavation methodologies, scientific practices and laboratory techniques. For these reasons, I can consider the excavation in Atapuerca an amazing experience and it would be my honor and great pleasure to have the opportunity to excavate here again.”