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Appearance in audiovisual media
Media appearances
Media appearances
Dr. Ruh Blasco, IPHES-CERCA researcher, talks about the origin of the dog on Onda Vasca radio
Media appearances
The site of the Camp dels Ninots in Telenotícies comarques of 3Cat
Media appearances
The Baza 1 site in Canal Sur
Media appearances
The spearhead made of horse bone in the program El Tren de la Història of SER Catalunya
Media appearances
La Draga site in the program Sense Memòri of Radio 4
Media appearances
Decoding Changes: Technological and Statistical Investigation of the MSA-LSA Transition in the Horn of Africa
Media appearances
El jaciment del Camp dels Ninots a la Selva TV
Media appearances
Palmira Saladié talks about cannibalism in prehistory in the program En guardia! of Catalonia Radio
Media appearances
The rock art of Simanya Gran TV Sabadell
Media appearances
Conferència "La evolución de la mano humana y los fósiles de Atapuerca" a càrrec del Dr. Carlos Lorenzo Merino
Media appearances
Media appearances
Dr. Marina Mosquera talks about the importance of the Atapuerca deposits in the program Entre Avui i Demà in IB3Ràdio
Media appearances
Media appearances
Simanya Gran's rock art on TV3's Telenotícies
Media appearances
The Evoluciona program of Tarragona Ràdio talks to Dr. Josep Vallverdú, Elena Moreno and Dr. Miguel Ángel Moreno on the Cueva Fantasma site and with Dr. Isabel Cáceres about day-to-day life in Atapuerca
Media appearances
The Evoluciona program of Tarragona Ràdio talks to Dra. Isabel Cáceres about the Galería site and with Dr. Josep Maria Vergès from the El Mirador site
Media appearances